About the Trust
The Elizabeth L Rathbone Charitable Trust is a grant-giving charity which supports projects and organisations which benefit disadvantaged people living in Merseyside. Preference will be given to Merseyside based charities.
Application Guidelines
Applications are invited from charities and community organisations that benefit people in Merseyside and have the following aims:
- To alleviate poverty by education
- To advance the interests of women
- To help the less able
- To support certain medical fields
- To support the arts
- To help the disadvantaged through community projects
The following would not normally be considered for a grant:
- Applicants from outside Merseyside
- Individuals
- Any form of sponsorship
- Political organisation
- Pressure groups
- Feasibility studies
- Annual applications
This is not a finite list but a general guide as Trustees will make exceptional grants at their discretion.
Grants are normally up to £3,000 and applicants must be a registered charity or be affiliated to an umbrella organisation that can receive funds on their behalf.
If applicants have previously received a grant from the trust, a report on how the grant was used must be submitted along with any new application. Applicants are usually asked to wait two years before re-applying.
Meetings of Trustees take place in Spring and Autumn, usually March/April and September/October although the dates can vary.
Applicants must register their application by clicking this link.
You must then download and complete this application form. The Application form is in Word format - You must save it in Word format, using your organization name as the file name, and return it as an email attachment.

If you have any queries, or difficulty in completing the on-line form, please contact the Secretary.